Timeline Scrubber
We have integrated the theme of the ability to navigate through months in scrubber fixed style.
If you are not on the home page, you will go in the archives page.
Featured Category
You have the opportunity to highlight in your header, four items in a category called Featured.
At any time you can decide the category name Featured by back-office.
Customize Theme
You have the opportunity to change logos, category name Featured, and social media icons.
This Page customization for theme Timeline WP is only for admin user.
Lightbox Image
We have implemented a plug-in wordpress in the theme for view photos in lightbox effect.
You can insert multiple photos in a single post with lightbox effect.
They Wrote About Us
We just got this excellent tip from Julius describing the process by which he created this very own theme, the aptly-named “Timeline-wp.”
A great gift for fans of Facebook, We are truly impressed!
This WordPress theme is a slick way to turn your blog into Facebook’s Timeline.
Timeline on other CMS?
Tumblr - by PlaygroundJoomla - You have tried?
Blogspot - You have tried?
Drupal - You have tried?