Timeline WordPress Theme was ideated and designed by JuliusDesign ispired by Timeline Facebook based on Twenty Eleven 1.2 proudly powered by WordPress.
The purpose of this subject is to learn the power of WordPress for educational purposes.
JuliusDesign is the blog of Giuliano Ambrosio, Italian web designer freelence, one of the most popular blogs in Italy on the web and design.
I wanted to challenge myself to design the beautiful new layout of Facebook using the power of WordPress.
Some important articles that have talked about us
Getcher Facebook Timeline WordPress Theme Here – techcrunch
We just got this excellent tip from Julian describing the process by which he created this very own theme, the aptly-named “Timeline-wp.” He wants no beef with Facebook and, while I find the adoption of an established megacompany’s brand and image slightly unbecoming and/or dangerous even for a private blog (and a bit shortsighted as Facebook will probably tear this design up by the time the next f8 rolls around), you can download and install the theme today at no cost to you.
– allfacebook
On his motivation for creating the theme, he added, “My mission is to understand how powerful WordPress is. Many think it is a content-management system only for blogs, but it is more. I actually thought about creating a paid version [of the theme], but I think it will be free only, to experiment and study the layout and the CMS.”
Facebook Timeline Mania, 10 Utilizzi Creativi – ninjamarketing
La Facebook Timeline mania è uscita addirittura fuori da Facebook! Infatti Giuliano Ambrosio aka Julius Design subito dopo la conferenza, ha realizzato Timeline WP, che finito addirittura sulle pagine di TechCrunch, è ”il primo tema basato su CMS WordPress ispirato da Timeline”.
Timeline WP, un tema de WordPress inspirado en el nuevo Facebook – wwwhatsnew
Sea como sea el trabajo estético es excelente, por lo que en timeline-wp.com han estado trabajando en un tema de WordPress que usa su estructura de información.
Un magnifique thème WordPress inspiré par Facebook – nowhereelse
Il n’aura pas fallu attendre bien longtemps pour qu’un petit malin s’attèle à la création d’un thème WordPress inspiré par la nouvelle «Timeline» Facebook que je vous ai présenté la semaine dernière et qui n’est d’ailleurs pas encore disponible pour le grand public, c’est dire la réactivité du garçon…
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